2021-10-19 更新
職位:企業精算部工讀生 需求:2名 地點:台北市信義區信義路五段100號7樓 時薪:200元 期間:2022/1/17-2022/12/30 工時:學期間每周至少20小時、寒暑假一週五天(5*7.75小時=38.75小時) 職務內容:During nearly 1-year internship, the job scope covers varieties of actuarial valuation jobs, including but not limited to, reserving, experience study, actuarial modelling, insurance product modelling, or IFRS17 project support. The exact jobs assigned will depend on the need of the organization and skill set candidates possess. After the internship, the candidate is expected to accumulate abundant and solid experience and knowledge like the new graduate’s first year level. 其他要求: - Interested in pursuing actuarial career 104連結:https://www.104.com.tw/job/7erd6?jobsource=cs_2018indexpoc 聯絡信箱:歡迎對精算有興趣的同學將履歷寄至aztl.hr@allianz.com.tw |