2022-09-15 更新
【 9 月 30 日 CRETA Seminar】 日期:2022 年 9 月 30 日 (週五) 下午 2:00~3:30 地點:線上舉行 講者:陳樂昱教授 (中央研究院經濟研究所) 演講主題: Sparse Quantile Regression 講題摘要: We study the L0-penalized and L0-constrained quantile regression estimators. For both estimators, we derive non-asymptotic upper bounds on the mean excess quantile prediction risk as well as mean-square parameter and regression function estimation errors. Further,we characterize expected Hamming loss for the L0-penalized estimator. We implement the proposed procedure via mixed integer linear programming and also a more scalable first-order approximation algorithm. We illustrate the finite-sample performance of our approach in Monte Carlo experiments and its usefulness in a real data application concerning conformal prediction of infant birth weights. In sum, our L0-based method produces a much sparser estimator than the L1-penalized and non-convex penalized approaches without compromising precision. 講者介紹: 陳樂昱教授 (中央研究院經濟研究所) 個人網站: https://sites.google.com/view/leyuchen/home
備註事項: 為方便人數預估,欲參加CRETA Seminar的朋友們,煩請事先報名。 報名網址:https://www.creta.org.tw/?news_2=304 報名期限:2022/9/29 (四) 中午 12:00 |