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CRETA Workshop on Advanced Econometrics 15 研討會訊息
瀏覽數:118  2017-02-12 更新



以下資訊為臺大計量理論與應用研究中心於 3 月 20 日 (三) 所舉辦的 CRETA Workshop on Advanced Econometrics 15 研討會資訊,煩請貴 單位能將此訊息傳送給貴 單位的老師及碩博士生。謝謝您的協助!

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計量理論與應用研究中心 敬啟





大家好!台大計量理論與應用研究中心 (CRETA) 很榮幸於 3 20 () 邀請到:


Professor Wolfgang Härdle from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


至本中心訪問,並於 CRETA Workshop on Advanced Econometrics 15 進行專題演講。



Professor Härdle is currently Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz chair professor of statistics at the School of Business and Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and also the director of C.A.S.E. – Center for Applied Statistics & Economics. Professor Härdle’s research interests focus on the dimension reduction techniques, computational statistics and quantitative finance. His research articles have been published in several prestigious journals, such as Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Financial Econometrics, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Risk and Insurance and Quantitative Finance.



1.       Yield Curve Modeling and Forecasting using Semiparametric Factor Dynamics

2.       Quantile Regression with high dimensional Single-Index Models


演講地點為台大管理學院一號館B1國學講堂,演講時間3 20 () 下午四點至五點半,歡迎大家踴躍報名參加。欲參加者,請於 3 18 () 中午前至 CRETA 網站線上報名有關更多演講資訊,請至 CRETA 網站: http://www.creta.org.tw/events/view/60



計量理論與應用研究中心 敬啟