2017-02-12 更新
台灣經濟計量學會 敬啟 各位學界的朋友,大家好: 臺灣經濟計量學會代為轉發有關 The 9th International Symposium on Econometric Theory and Applications (SETA 2013) 的徵稿訊息。徵稿相關資訊如下: Call for Papers The 9th International Symposium on Econometric Theory and Applications (SETA 2013) July 20-21, 2013, Seoul, Korea http://ecostat.skku.ac.kr/SETA The Econometric Research Center at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) is pleased to host the 9th International Symposium on Econometric Theory and Applications (SETA 2013). The conference program will include a mixture of keynote speeches, invited talks, contributed sessions, and poster sessions. The conference program committee is now inviting the submission of papers to be presented at SETA 2013 from all fields of econometrics across the broad spectrum of theoretical and applied research. Prospective contributors are invited to submit their papers electronically to the appropriate program committee member through the Conference Maker http://editorialexpress.com/conference/SETA2013
Deadline for Submission: April 1, 2013 Registration for Symposium: June 15, 2013
【Venue】 International Hall, Sungkyunkwan University 53-22 Myeongnyun 3-ga, 25-2 Sungkyunkwan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
【Keynote Speakers】 Tim Bollerslev (Duke University) Oliver Linton (Cambridge University)
【Invited Speakers】 Bjorn Eraker (University of Wisconsin) Yanqin Fan (Vanderbilt University) Nour Meddahi (Toulouse School of Economics) Andrew Patton (Duke University) Jun Yu (Singapore Management University)
【Advisory Committee】 Chung-Ming Kuan (National Taiwan University) - Chair Cheng Hsiao (University of Southern California) Peter Phillips (Yale, Auckland, SMU, South Hampton) Sam Yoo (Yonsei University) Katsuto Tanaka (Hitotsubashi University)
【Local Organizing Committee】 Inmoo Kim (SKKU) - Chair In Choi (Sogang University) Jinwook Jeong (Yonsei University) Chang-Jin Kim (University of Washington and Korea University) Yoon-Jae Whang (Seoul National University)
【Program Committee】 Joon Park (Indiana University and SKKU) - Co-Chair Heather Anderson (Monash University) Songnian Chen (National University of Singapore and HKUST) Terence Chong (Chinese University of Hong Kong) Jiti Gao (Monash University) Yongmiao Hong (Cornell U, US, and Xiamen U, China) Hidehiko Ichimura (University of Tokyo) Changsik Kim (SKKU) Yuichi Kitamura (Yale University) Sokbae Lee (Seoul National University) Qi Li (Texas A&M University and Tsinghua University) Hyungsik Moon (USC and Yonsei University) Yoshihiko Nishiyama (Kyoto University) Katsumi Shimotsu (Tokyo University) Donggyu Sul (University of Texas at Dallas) Jin-Huei Yeh (National Central University)
【Registration】 Conference participants are required to register by June 15, 2013. To register, please visit the conference website http://ecostat.skku.ac.kr/SETA, which also provides hotel, transportation and other useful information.
臺灣經濟計量學會 敬啟