  • 新聞報導
October 3rd, 2014 Management and Trend of Insurance Company
 2017-02-12 更新

Speaker: Y. T. Du, Vice Chairman, Nan Shan Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Date: Friday, October 3rd, 2014

Time: 7:00-9:00 pm


Sungreat International Convention Hall, B1, Building 1, College of Management.

No. 85, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei



Forum introduction

  Insurance is the most common financial planning tool including diseases, accidents, life assurance, and long-term retirement plan. Insurance plays an important role in different life phrase. As a result, it is necessary for professional finance experts to understand how important insurance management works in life insurance industry. For the past years, life insurance companies have experienced many environment changes. At this forum, Mr. Du will analyze the trend of management in life insurance industry and share practical experiences in Nan Shan Life Insurance.

Speaker biology

As pre-Chairman of Citi bank, Taiwan, and pre-CEO of Goldman Sachs, Asia, Mr. Du has been in charge of M&A cases including BenQ’s Siemens acquisition, Fubon’s ING Life Taiwan acquisition, and Yahoo’s Kimo acquisition. As a result, he was called “ The father of investment banking.” In August, 2011, Mr. Du served as Vice Chairman in Nan Shan Life Insurance and facilitated a M&A case worth 62.8 billion NTD, the new M&A record in finance history. Mr. Du left investment banking to return to Nan Shan Life Insurance. This time, he assisted in facilitating enterprises and now takes responsibility for 30,000 employees.  What he is looking for is from influence for enterprises to welfare for employees.  Today, he will share management and trend of Life Insurance Company.