瀏覽數:398 2017-02-12 更新
Time: 2014/09/26 13:30-17:30
Organizers: Department of Finance, National Taiwan University and Friendly Securities Co., Ltd.
Location: The GIS NTU Convention Center (85 Sec.4, Roosevelt Road, B1, Taipei, Taiwan)
Summary: People from Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange would be invited.
This conference will give an analysis of capital markets in China. Anyone interested are welcome to participate.
Related news: http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20140926000152-260203
The trading deal between China and Hong Kong (aka China-HK Market Opening) is around the corner. Recently people of senior management from Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and NEEQ (National Equities Exchange and Quotations) have visited Taiwan Stock Exchange and Gre Tai Securities Market to acquire experiences in Taiwan’s capital markets.
It is believed that their visits are at the invitation of Department of Finance at National Taiwan University and Friendly Securities Co., Ltd. Today (09/26) they would hold Mainland China Capital Markets Conference at the GIS NTU Convention Center to talk about developments of China’s securities markets. Participants are possibly EMBA graduates, brokers from security companies, accountants, and lawyers.
Recently top executives in Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange have visited Taiwan Stock Exchange’s Senior Executive Vice President Nai-Kuan Huang and managers from Listing department. People from Shanghai Stock Exchange would like to know the listing rules of the stock exchange whereas people from Shenzhen Stock Exchange want to learn the system of corporate governance actively proposed in Taiwan.
Yesterday NEEQ visited Taiwan Stock Exchange to have an understanding of the trading system, making a market, quoting system, block trading, and day trading.
They said that some of Taiwan’s related measures such as corporate governance, block trading, and day trading were originally carried out in China while some were not. Hence, they wanted to have a glimpse of Taiwan’s status quo in executing these systems.
Department of Finance at National Taiwan University would organize Mainland China Capital Markets Conference. Shanghai Stock Exchange would introduce “Shanghai Stock Exchange’s impact on Taiwanese businessmen’s funding,” Shenzhen Stock Exchange would report “Overview on China’s development of overseas market,” and NEEQ would talk about “China’s current development of NEEQ and future trends.” |